Plugin Tag: performance
5centsCDN – WordPress CDN Plugin
(4 total ratings)Optimize WordPress speed and performance with 5centsCDN plugin. Get advanced caching, CDN, and seamless optimization today!
(2 total ratings)Adds an HTML5 appcache manifest to speed up your site by storing static assets client-side.
WP Static Pages
(0 total ratings)Generate Static HTML files from pages, so these sites will be 10x faster than non-static.This plugin supports posts, categories and products also.
Voce Performance Tools
(0 total ratings)This plugin provides numerous performance tools and functionalities to assist in developing high performance WordPress themes
Gunner Technology Async Asset Loader
(0 total ratings)A plugin leverages Modernizr to load JavaScript files asynchronously
Debug Bar Query Count Alert
(2 total ratings)A simple add-on for the Debug Bar plugin to replace the button text with the database query count and time.
WP Whoosh
(7 total ratings)Build new feature-rich, fast and secure WordPress sites in a smarter way in under 60 seconds using WP Whoosh.
WP-NERD Toolkit
(0 total ratings)One-Click-SSL Tool, Add Facebook-Pixel, Add Google Analytics Code, Disable WordPress Emojis and many more.
WP Car
(0 total ratings)WP Car shows a car photo whith horsepower( HP ) description on Your sidebar.
Site Performance
(0 total ratings)With this plugin you can measure the performance of your WordPress blog, no coding required, just install it and browse the pages.
WP Roids
(26 total ratings)The fastest caching plugin for WordPress. FASTER than WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache, WP Fastest Cache and many more…
(15 total ratings)Have you noticed that your site is lacking something? Are you experiencing problems with WordPress and/or a plugin and/or a theme and/or your indigest …
Webp Image Block
(0 total ratings)This plugin adds an extra image widget in Elementor that converts the added image to webp and loads on front end if the browser supports webp images.
Cache Ultra
(0 total ratings)Optimize page load times with full page caching. Improves Google PageSpeed Insights by an average of +30%.
Database Performance Monitor
(3 total ratings)Outputs some database query information on page load for logged in admins. Output is located as an html comment in the footer and also in the console.
(3 total ratings)Make your wordpress instalation fly. Once enabled, this plugin will combine, compress and optimize JS, CSS and HTML files to improve page load time.